There are many issues that social media has caused with the fitness industry, but up there is the forming of camps. Having a single stance on something makes it easier to acquire "followers" - ie people who subscribe to your religious approach to science. The more extremist, the better. Socmed gurus will tell you to "pick your niche", but what that often means is "pick your viewpoint". Being argumentative also aligns with the platform's algorithms - discussion = engagement = traction in the form of comments and sends. Zealots prosper.
I don't say this as someone who's sat on their high horse immune to it all. I bloody love a contentious debate, and it's often very hard to resist the temptation to get into a mud wrestle. There’s hypocrisy here - I’m working on it.
Biomechanics to me is the understanding of movement relative to gravity. The RTS syllabus defines exercise as "internal force production in response to external force application". An increased knowledge of what is taking place internally and how to manipulate the external resistance allows greater exercise analysis, design and individualisation - whether that's to accommodate someone's lack of tolerance, or improve the loading of a particular muscle group throughout it’s full contractile range in a seasoned gym user. It's tools in your arsenal as a coach, that are easy to underestimate and play down. Yes, obssessing over mechanics and the optimisation process to the point where it takes you 1.5hrs to set up a machine for a set of 5 reps at RPE0.5 because your form slacks by 8% as soon as you get within 20 reps from failure is counterproductive... but no one with a brain is suggesting that. As a PT it's literally our fucking job to make sure people move AS WELL AS POSSIBLE, as intensely, as frequently and as regularly as suits their goals/priorities. The myriad of variables involved in this are completely client-specific.
What I’ll never understand is why you can't do both. What's wrong with constantly chasing optimal resistance profiles and movement mechanics AND seeing how close you can get your client's balls to the wall? It doesn't have to be AT THE EXPENSE OF.
[Rant continued in comments]
「job application form」的推薦目錄:
job application form 在 辦公室日報 Facebook 的最佳貼文
噚日喺討論區見到有個post嘅topic係 「Headhunter喺LinkedIn開post鬧爆candidate」,雖然我已經脫離咗呢行,但係都想以過來人身份講幾句。
簡單講下件事先,有一位叫Michael嘅candidate(因為LinkedIn好多Michael,呢兩幅圖冇透露個人資料,所以我直接叫返Michael啦),佢喺香港時間夜晚9:30 send咗個WhatsApp msg畀一位headhunter,之後未獲回應,第二日下午再WhatsApp 多次,指責個headhunter全程冇理睬,跟住個headhunter就開火同Michael理論,繼而喺LinkedIn分享咗自己嘅睇法,仲cap咗兩人之間嘅WhatsApp對話出嚟。
討論區比較一面倒指責嗰位headhunter,如果我理性去睇,其實喺Michael send頭兩個msg過去之前,呢位headhunter係冇做錯,你最多話佢可以處理得好啲,但係即使做headhunter等於半個sales,都唔代表佢要犧牲私人時間去做公事,一份有commission嘅工唔等於要24小時on call,更何況呢份工未致於去到救急扶危嘅層次,有人認為分分秒秒搵錢最重要,同樣有人係追求work life balance,每個人取態唔一樣。
問題係,呢位headhunter係唔應該公開佢同candidate之間嘅對話,勞氣還勞氣,因為涉及咗專業操守問題。試想像一個headhunter點解要用LinkedIn?LinkedIn嘅用途又係乜嘢?For headhunter嚟講,主要當然係畀candidate睇啦,其次就係客戶或者工作夥伴。Michael指責呢位headhunter私人時間唔覆msg,道理其實喺headhunter呢邊,即使Michael喺唔喺香港都好(原post話Michael其實喺香港,只係用咗外國電話做WhatsApp通訊),Headhunter嬲得滯,選擇同Michael理論,都唔係錯得晒,但係失控地公開彼此對話,其他candidate見到會有咩感覺呢?仲有冇人敢send CV畀你呢?工作夥伴又會點睇呢?
其實夜晚先同candidate傾job係好正常,唔係個個都方便喺office hour同headhunter講電話,我喺公司等個candidate等到夜晚9點又試過,星期日由荃灣入大埔搵一個candidate見面同埋填application form都試過,凡事兩面睇,你可以話我勤力,亦可以話我港豬,每個人對工作嘅定義同埋投入程度都唔同,不過咁,假設真係冇job畀個candidate,不妨直接同對方講,或者簡單交代一聲私人時間唔想傾公事,大家keep contact,將來會有其他合作機會,良好嘅EQ會令你嘅事業路平坦好多。
至於candidate亦無需太chur個headhunter,你信我,headhunter有份工係好適合你的話,佢搭飛機都會嚟搵你,所以輕鬆啲就得,明白搵工一定會心急,而且LinkedIn嘅connection唔一定代表有solid 嘅job opportunities,因為呢個平台嘅玩法係愈connect得多人,你就可以見到更多information,LinkedIn上面成日有人係唔係都request要 connect你,有啲友仔真係當交友app咁玩🤦🏻♂️
job application form 在 姐死姐還在 Facebook 的精選貼文
作為一個資深嘅職場small potato, 經常都批評高層,阿姐阿哥嘅不是。有啲人就話啦,你又冇做高層嘅能力,有咩資格批評阿哥阿姐呢?其實呢個說法好唔合理,即使你係一個醜婦, 唔代表你冇判斷能力,分辨出邊個香港小姐候選佳麗係最靚。可能大家未必有勝任阿哥阿姐嘅能力,但講到批評阿哥阿姐嘅才能,各位職場small potato都應該好有經驗,不如今日同林鄭月娥呢個打工仔做個appraisal 。
我成日覺得政府,建制派好鍾意強調林鄭月娥好打得,盡咗力,但我哋係需要一個有能力嘅人,而唔係盡咗力嘅蠢人,我唔會因為你好人,盡咗力,你好無奈,好多嘢都做唔到而收貨。 leadership is not being nice, it's about being right and being strong.
再者我亦唔覺得林鄭月娥嘅為人係nice, 退而求其次,唔講佢incapable, 唔講佢stupid, 但係呢兩三個月, 佢連同理心我都睇唔到。每當有示威者,學生,青年人受傷犧牲入獄,林鄭月娥連最基本嘅同理心,扮關懷,都演繹得極之薄弱。
作為一個打工仔,真係覺得林鄭月娥show 唔到佢對份工嘅熱誠,完全冇passion at work,唔夠aggressive。林鄭月娥經常都表現到好無奈,畀人睇得出佢暗啞底嘅內心說話:我都係打份工啫,唔好為難我啦,其實我做到嘅嘢好有限。佢成日以下屬嘅心態去做一個上司,明明佢已經升咗職,佢嗰份服從同聽話,好似意識唔到自己已經升咗做一個地區嘅首長。佢係夾心階層,大家都知,佢係好多嘢爭取唔到,係人都知,但林鄭畀人一個感覺,係連「扮爭取」都費事。
大家都心知肚明,佢係leader, 但係佢唔係big boss,作為呢個中間人, 其實係需要好女兩頭瞞嘅 skill, 但佢成日都有兩頭唔到岸嘅感覺,既應付唔到上邊,又氹唔掂下邊。
而佢作為一個師奶,喺男權當道嘅政壇, 既得唔到男政客嘅必然優勢,但又冇善用自己女性嘅身份,連普通嘅記者會,講說話晦氣又冇禮貌,經常都畀人一種挑釁嘅感覺,畀男人睇唔起,又籠絡唔到女人嘅同情。
最後係,大家都知道夜場無真心,職場無真愛,作為一個打工仔, 我哋同林鄭其實一樣,日日都諗住辭職,但寧畀人知,莫畀人見。一日未辭職,無理由證據落喺全世界嘅手中,辭職錄音通天,係同喺公司printer 見到有人print其他公司嘅job application form一樣,有證有據咁斷正就唔好啦!
其實打工做嘢冇能力嘅時候,就要講演技㗎喇! 係人都知你唔想做㗎啦, 但你連演技都冇,你又點好意思叫霞姨留個飯盒比你呢 ?
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Job Application Forms ... In a sea of applicants, it can be hard to find the right candidate. Our Job Application Templates streamline your company's hiring ... ... <看更多>
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A job application allows an individual to enter their personal details to apply for employment. After completing, it will provide the employer a snapshot of ... ... <看更多>